Tag Archives: IPA


I am pleased to have my submissions awarded with honorable mentions in the book, environmental and street photography categories.

Book, The Art of Spectating


Envirtomental, The Markato


Street photography, Under the spotlight


Posted in Awards, Documentary, Editorial, International Photography Awards, People Also tagged , , , , , , |

The Addis Merkato, Ethiopia

Last week in Ethiopia we had the opportunity to visit the Addis Merkato, considered to be the largest open market in Africa.
Initially overwhelmed by the hectic scene, chaos, noise, myriads of business trading all sort of goods, we have adventured into the side streets which lead to various sections of the market.
Despite the large size, it is always possible to exit the market from different sides and join one of the main roads surrounding the area. From there it is easy to walk back to the starting point or look for transport.
Our guide, Joseph, a tourism student, is very knowledgeable about Addis and the Merkato, and helps us communicating with local. Gradually, the market starts to make sense.
We walked throughout stalls selling exotic spices and strong coffee beans. Primarily female and kids are working there and call us “faranji” as we pass by. To them, every foreigner is from China.
We learn about the Enset, “false banana” paste, a multipurpose crop feeding more people per square miles than any other cereal.
Perhaps the most interesting section is the “recycling” area where things get fixed and eventually traded back in the market. The sound from hundreds of workers chiselling hard material, joining metals part, fixing pots, is like a restless jazz orchestra. In the Merkato, everything gets recycled.
People welcome us with curiosity. Some smile and do not mind our presence; others let us understand, in a polite way, that photographs are unwanted. Kids are excited at meeting foreigners and like the engagement. Some wants to take photos with us.
At the end of our visit, just before sunset, leaving the market means wanting to go back soon to understand more.

Posted in Africa, Documentary, Editorial, Market, People, People at work, Travel Photography Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

International Photography Awards (IPA) 2016

Thanks to the International Photography Awards (IPA) for awarding me with two honorable mentions in the editorial category.

Here is my work (click on each image to see the photos on the IPA site)

Editorial: “Belgrade Refugees Aid Centre



Editorial: “Dungeness – UK



IPA web site: www.photoawards.com


Posted in Awards, Editorial, International Photography Awards Also tagged , , , , , |

International Photography Awards (IPA) 2015

Thanks to the International Photography Awards (IPA) for awarding me with three honorable mentions in the categories of Architecture, Deeper Perspective/Editorial and Lifestyle/People.

Here is my work (click on each image to see the photos on the IPA site)

Deeper Perspective & Editorial: “Revisiting a working place

IPA2015, Francesco Marchetti, Revisiting a working place


Lifestyle & People: “UK Seaside in Summer


IPA2015, Francesco Marchetti, UK Seaside in Summer


Architecture, Bridges & Cityscapes: “Belgrade Bridge


IPA2015, Francesco Marchetti, Belgrade Bridge





Posted in Awards, Belgrade, Serbia, Travel Photography Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , |

International Photography Awards (IPA) 2014

I am very pleased to find out that I have been awarded 3 Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards (IPA) 2014, in the category architecture (bridges and cityscape).

Here is my work….


London Fog



Millennium Bridge




A set from the London Docklands Line Railway (DLR)



Thanks to the IPA judges for awarding my work, I feel honored to be part of the Honorable Mentions Gallery.






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International Photography Awards (IPA) 2013

I am very pleased to find out that I have been awarded 1 Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards (IPA) 2013 for my work in Venice….


Thanks to the IPA judges for awarding my work, I feel honored to be part of the Honorable Mentions Gallery.


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